Quoi qu'il en soit

Friday 31 March 2017

Spectacle "Juste pour rire”

“Juste pour rire” / “Just for laughs”

1- “La lettre d’amour” de Karl Valentin (James Carter)
A man sits finishing his letter to his faraway “lover” complaining that she never writes to him as she promised she would.

2- “Mr Badin” de George Courteline (Loris Pergod & Tim Azzopardi)
Mr Badin’s boss invites him into his office to confront him about his absence from work for weeks at time,  knowing that he goes to drink in a nearby bar all the time.
Mr Badin makes his usual excuse of a death in the family. His boss points out that it's one of on many in a few weeks including weddings and baptisms too.
His boss gives him two choices, he resigns or he comes to work every day. The boss, convinced he can get Mr badin to resign starts signing the necessary paperwork.  Mr Badin now desperate tries both seduction and tears to persuade his boss how hard his life is. Eventually the boss thinks that Mr Badin is too upset to do anything but resign and asks him to sign his resignation letter. Instead Mr Badin asks for a raise.

3- “Vivons heureux” de Jean Paul Alègre (Frances Priest & Valeria Luciani)
A “great” actress has a last minute change of acting partner, who turns out to be a drama student with no idea of what is expected of her. The student thinks she has just come to watch the great actress at work. Completely misunderstanding that she is supposed to be acting with her partner, the student joins the audience to watch the now “one woman show”, only to be highly critical of the poor performance of the “great” actress.

4- “L’affaire se complique” de Jean Tardieu - (Tim Azzopardi)
This “poem” is very short, surreal and impossible to describe.

5- “Gros chagrin” de George Courteline (Saki Kunimoto & Frances Priest)
Two society ladies who “lunch”, Gabrielle and Caroline: Gabrielle  arrives at Caroline’s house distraught because her husband Fernand is cheating on her. Caroline is at her wits end because she has had to let go of her maid (“bonne”) who she has caught stealing. Gabrielle  claims to have found a love letter in Fernand pocket from Rose Mouseron a singer/dancer. Caroline want to hear all the gossip and encourages her friend Gabrielle  to tell all - and Gabrielle  loves the attention claiming to be suicidal but quickly relents when she remembers that she has a society ball to go to with Fernand and wants Caroline to teach her some dance moves.

6- “Le gora” de George Courteline (Foteini Manolaraki& Tim Azzopardi)
A photographer GUSTAVE and his lover BOBÉCHOTTE have an impromptu photo shoot. While taking photos BOBÉCHOTTE  tells Gustave that the concierge has given her a “Un Gora”, which Gustave does not understand  as she means an “Un--Angora” - a cat. Gustave corrects her pronunciation. But as she continues to describe the cat she keeps making small mistakes which Gustave keeps correcting. While Boéchotte goes along with Gustave pedantry for a while, eventually she gets annoyed and we all know hell hath no fury like a woman who has her grammar corrected!

7- “Le dromadaire mécontent” de Jacques Prévert (Loris Pergod)
A young dromedary (camel one hump) tells us the story  of how he went to a conference about camels and dromedaries and how ridiculous it was,

8- “L’ours” de Anton Tchekhov (Saki Kunimoto & James Carter)
Elena Popova is a grieving widow grieving on the seven-month anniversary of her husband's death.  A retired army man, Grigory Stepanovitch Smirnov arrives and wishes to see Elena Popova. Smirnov explains to her that her late husband owes him a sum of 1,200 roubles. Because he is a landowner, Smirnov explains that he needs the sum paid to him on that same day to pay for the mortgage of a house due the next day. Popova explains that she has no money with her and that she will settle her husband's debts when her steward arrives the day after tomorrow. Smirnov gets angered by her refusal to pay him back and mocks the supposed 'mourning' of her husband.  
Smirnov decides that he will not leave until his debts are paid off, even if that means waiting until the day after tomorrow. He and Popova get into another argument when he starts yelling at the footman to bring him kvass to drink. During this argument Popova insults Smirnov by calling him a bear, a monster!"
Smirnov, insulted, calls for a duel, not caring that Elena is a woman. Elena , in turn, enthusiastically agrees and goes off to get a pair of guns her husband owned. Meanwhile, Smirnov says to himself how impressed he is by Popova's audacity and slowly realizes that he has actually fallen in love with her and her dimpled cheeks. When Elena returns with the pistols, Smirnov makes his love confession…. And … dot dot dot

Friday 12 August 2016

Subscribe to an IBM MQ Topic using Spring

This code works to subscribe to an IBM MQ Topic called TESTTOPIC set up with MQExplorer using the defaults. Code uses uses Spring SimpleMessageListenerContainer

Keywords: JMS DefaultMessageListenerContainer SimpleMessageListenerContainer MQTopicConnectionFactory MQQueueConnectionFactory

 package poc;  
 import javax.jms.JMSException;  
 import javax.jms.Message;  
 import javax.jms.MessageListener;  
 import org.junit.Test;  
 import org.springframework.jms.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer;  
 import org.springframework.jms.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer;  
 import com.ibm.mq.jms.MQTopicConnectionFactory;  
 public class PubSub2Test {  
   public void test() throws InterruptedException, JMSException {  
     MQTopicConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new MQTopicConnectionFactory(); // MQQueueConnectionFactory does not work here  
     AbstractMessageListenerContainer listenerContainer = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(); // a DefaultMessageListenerContainer does not work here  
     MessageListener listener = new MessageListener() {  
       public void onMessage(Message arg0) {  
         System.out.println("\nMessage received: " + arg0.toString() + "\n");  
     while (true) {  

Monday 31 March 2014

Becoming really rich with Java 8

Disclaimer: the C#, Scala and Java 8 algorithms shown and referenced here implement a "momentum investing" algorithm. This is purely for computer language comparison purposes and should definitely not be taken as investment advice.

In 2009, I saw this post Becoming really rich with C# showcasing the new features in C#  4.5 and was impressed with C# with its hybrid Object-Functional approach and collection APIs to give collection operations a SQL-like feel:

var adjustedPrices =
    .Split(new[] { '\n' })
    .Select(l => l.Split(new[] { ',' }))
    .Where(l => l.Length == 7)
    .Select(v => new Event(DateTime.Parse(v[0]), Double.Parse(v[6])));

Now lets do that in 7 lines of code in Java 5, 6, or 7. Er no, sorry.

At the time, I was learning Scala. So I translated Becoming really rich with C# into Scala and compared them side by side. Result:  See http://quoiquilensoit.blogspot.com/2009/10/becoming-really-rich-with-scala.html The result surprised me. I thought C# held up pretty well overall.

So, a full four years later, Oracle owns Java and Java8 is out with some of the same features that C# was offering in dot net 4.5 in 2010. There is obvious missing stuff that Java 8 still does not have: LINQ,  Output parameters. Vars. Tuples. Optional/Nullable numerics. But I tried the same exercise, trying to keep in the spirit of the C# code.

The code is on github: https://github.com/azzoti/get-rich-with-java8

git clone https://github.com/azzoti/get-rich-with-java8.git

Its an eclipse maven project, but you can run straight from the command line with:

mvn exec:java

(Make sure you have JDK 8 set up!)

Original C#Java 8
See notes after the table

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;

namespace ETFAnalyzer {

struct Event {
  internal Event(DateTime date, double price) { Date = date; Price = price; }
  internal readonly DateTime Date;
  internal readonly double Price;

class Summary {
  internal Summary(string ticker, string name, string assetClass,
          string assetSubClass, double? weekly, double? fourWeeks,
          double? threeMonths, double? sixMonths, double? oneYear,
          double? stdDev, double price, double? mav200) {
    Ticker = ticker;
    Name = name;
    AssetClass = assetClass;
    AssetSubClass = assetSubClass;
    // Abracadabra ...
    LRS = (fourWeeks + threeMonths + sixMonths + oneYear) / 4;
    Weekly = weekly;
    FourWeeks = fourWeeks;
    ThreeMonths = threeMonths;
    SixMonths = sixMonths;
    OneYear = oneYear;
    StdDev = stdDev;
    Mav200 = mav200;
    Price = price;
  internal readonly string Ticker;
  internal readonly string Name;
  internal readonly string AssetClass;
  internal readonly string AssetSubClass;
  internal readonly double? LRS;
  internal readonly double? Weekly;
  internal readonly double? FourWeeks;
  internal readonly double? ThreeMonths;
  internal readonly double? SixMonths;
  internal readonly double? OneYear;
  internal readonly double? StdDev;
  internal readonly double? Mav200;
  internal double Price;

  internal static void Banner() {
    Console.Write("{0,-6}", "Ticker");
    Console.Write("{0,-50}", "Name");
    Console.Write("{0,-12}", "Asset Class");
    Console.Write("{0,4}", "RS");
    Console.Write("{0,4}", "1Wk");
    Console.Write("{0,4}", "4Wk");
    Console.Write("{0,4}", "3Ms");
    Console.Write("{0,4}", "6Ms");
    Console.Write("{0,4}", "1Yr");
    Console.Write("{0,6}", "Vol");
    Console.WriteLine("{0,2}", "Mv");

  internal void Print() {

    Console.Write("{0,-6}", Ticker);
    Console.Write("{0,-50}", new String(Name.Take(48).ToArray()));
    Console.Write("{0,-12}", new String(AssetClass.Take(10).ToArray()));
    Console.Write("{0,4:N0}", LRS * 100);
    Console.Write("{0,4:N0}", Weekly * 100);
    Console.Write("{0,4:N0}", FourWeeks * 100);
    Console.Write("{0,4:N0}", ThreeMonths * 100);
    Console.Write("{0,4:N0}", SixMonths * 100);
    Console.Write("{0,4:N0}", OneYear * 100);
    Console.Write("{0,6:N0}", StdDev * 100);
    if (Price <= Mav200)
      Console.WriteLine("{0,2}", "X");

class TimeSeries {
  internal readonly string Ticker;
  readonly DateTime _start;
  readonly Dictionary<DateTime, double> _adjDictionary;
  readonly string _name;
  readonly string _assetClass;
  readonly string _assetSubClass;

  internal TimeSeries(string ticker, string name, string assetClass, string assetSubClass, IEnumerable<event> events) {
    Ticker = ticker;
    _name = name;
    _assetClass = assetClass;
    _assetSubClass = assetSubClass;
    _start = events.Last().Date;
    _adjDictionary = events.ToDictionary(e => e.Date, e => e.Price);

  bool GetPrice(DateTime when, out double price, out double shift) {
    // To nullify the effect of hours/min/sec/millisec being different from 0
    when = new DateTime(when.Year, when.Month, when.Day);
    var found = false;
    shift = 1;
    double aPrice = 0;
    while (when >= _start && !found) {
      if (_adjDictionary.TryGetValue(when, out aPrice)) {
        found = true;
      when = when.AddDays(-1);
      shift -= 1;
    price = aPrice;
    return found;

  double? GetReturn(DateTime start, DateTime end) {
    var startPrice = 0.0;
    var endPrice = 0.0;
    var shift = 0.0;
    var foundEnd = GetPrice(end, out endPrice, out shift);
    var foundStart = GetPrice(start.AddDays(shift), out startPrice, out shift);
    if (!foundStart || !foundEnd)
      return null;
      return endPrice / startPrice - 1;

  internal double? LastWeekReturn() {
    return GetReturn(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7), DateTime.Now);
  internal double? Last4WeeksReturn() {
    return GetReturn(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-28), DateTime.Now);
  internal double? Last3MonthsReturn() {
    return GetReturn(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-3), DateTime.Now);
  internal double? Last6MonthsReturn() {
    return GetReturn(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-6), DateTime.Now);
  internal double? LastYearReturn() {
    return GetReturn(DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1), DateTime.Now);

  internal double? StdDev() {
    var now = DateTime.Now;
    now = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day);
    var limit = now.AddYears(-3);
    var rets = new List<double>();
    while (now >= _start.AddDays(12) && now >= limit) {
      var ret = GetReturn(now.AddDays(-7), now);
      now = now.AddDays(-7);
    var mean = rets.Average();
    var variance = rets.Select(r => Math.Pow(r - mean, 2)).Sum();
    var weeklyStdDev = Math.Sqrt(variance / rets.Count);
    return weeklyStdDev * Math.Sqrt(40);
  internal double? MAV200() {
    return _adjDictionary.ToList()
           .OrderByDescending(k => k.Key)
           .Take(200).Average(k => k.Value);
  internal double TodayPrice() {
    var price = 0.0;
    var shift = 0.0;
    GetPrice(DateTime.Now, out price, out shift);
    return price;
  internal Summary GetSummary() {
    return new Summary(Ticker, _name, _assetClass, _assetSubClass,
           LastWeekReturn(), Last4WeeksReturn(), Last3MonthsReturn(),
           Last6MonthsReturn(), LastYearReturn(), StdDev(), TodayPrice(), 

class Program {

  static string CreateUrl(string ticker, DateTime start, DateTime end)
    return @"http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=" + ticker + 
      "&a="+(start.Month - 1).ToString()+"&b="+start.Day.ToString()+"&c="+start.Year.ToString() + 
      "&d="+(end.Month - 1).ToString()+"&e="+end.Day.ToString()+"&f="+end.Year.ToString() + 

  static void Main(string[] args) {
    // If you rise this above 5 you tend to get frequent connection closing on my machine
    // I'm not sure if it is msft network or yahoo web service
    ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 10;

    var tickers =
      .Select(l => l.Split(new[] { ',' }))
      .Where(v => v[2] != "Leveraged")
      .Select(values => Tuple.Create(values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3]))

    var len = tickers.Length;

    var start = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-2);
    var end = DateTime.Now;
    var cevent = new CountdownEvent(len);
    var summaries = new Summary[len];
    for(var i = 0; i < len; i++)  {
      var t = tickers[i];
      var url = CreateUrl(t.Item1, start, end);
      using (var webClient = new WebClient()) {
        webClient.DownloadStringCompleted +=
                        new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(downloadStringCompleted);
        webClient.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(url), Tuple.Create(t, cevent, summaries, i));


    var top15perc =
        .Where(s => s.LRS.HasValue)
        .OrderByDescending(s => s.LRS)
        .Take((int)(len * 0.15));
    var bottom15perc =
        .Where(s => s.LRS.HasValue)
        .OrderBy(s => s.LRS)
        .Take((int)(len * 0.15));

    Console.WriteLine("TOP 15%");
    foreach(var s in top15perc)

    Console.WriteLine("Bottom 15%");
    foreach (var s in bottom15perc)

  static void downloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e) {
    var bigTuple = (Tuple<Tuple<string, string, string, string>, CountdownEvent, Summary[], int>)e.UserState;
    var tuple = bigTuple.Item1;
    var cevent = bigTuple.Item2;
    var summaries = bigTuple.Item3;
    var i = bigTuple.Item4;
    var ticker = tuple.Item1;
    var name = tuple.Item2;
    var asset = tuple.Item3;
    var subAsset = tuple.Item4;

    if (e.Error == null) {
      var adjustedPrices =
          .Split(new[] { '\n' })
          .Select(l => l.Split(new[] { ',' }))
          .Where(l => l.Length == 7)
          .Select(v => new Event(DateTime.Parse(v[0]), Double.Parse(v[6])));

      var timeSeries = new TimeSeries(ticker, name, asset, subAsset, adjustedPrices);
      summaries[i] = timeSeries.GetSummary();
      Console.Write("{0} ", ticker);
    } else {
      Console.WriteLine("[{0} ERROR] ", ticker);
      summaries[i] = new Summary(ticker,name,"ERROR","ERROR",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); 

package etf.analyzer;

import static java.lang.System.out;
import static java.util.Comparator.comparing;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.*;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

class Event {
  public Event(LocalDate date, double price) {
    this.date = date;
    this.price = price;
  public LocalDate getDate() {
    return date;
  public double getPrice() {
    return price;
  private LocalDate date;
  private double price;
class Summary {
  public Summary(String ticker, String name, String assetClass,
      String assetSubClass, OptionalDouble weekly, OptionalDouble fourWeeks, 
      OptionalDouble threeMonths, OptionalDouble sixMonths, OptionalDouble oneYear,
      OptionalDouble stdDev, double price, OptionalDouble mav200) {
    this.ticker = ticker;
    this.name = name;
    this.assetClass = assetClass;
    // this.assetSubClass = assetSubClass;
    // Abracadabra ...
    this.lrs = fourWeeks.add(threeMonths).add(sixMonths).add(oneYear).divide(OptionalDouble.of(4.0d));
    this.weekly = weekly;
    this.fourWeeks = fourWeeks;
    this.threeMonths = threeMonths;
    this.sixMonths = sixMonths;
    this.oneYear = oneYear;
    this.stdDev = stdDev;
    this.mav200 = mav200;
    this.price = price;
  private String ticker;
  private String name;
  private String assetClass;
  // private String assetSubClass;
  public OptionalDouble lrs;
  private OptionalDouble weekly;
  private OptionalDouble fourWeeks;
  private OptionalDouble threeMonths;
  private OptionalDouble sixMonths;
  private OptionalDouble oneYear;
  private OptionalDouble stdDev;
  private OptionalDouble mav200;
  private double price;

  static void banner() {
    out.printf("%-6s", "Ticker");
    out.printf("%-50s", "Name");
    out.printf("%-12s", "Asset Class");
    out.printf("%4s", "RS");
    out.printf("%4s", "1Wk");
    out.printf("%4s", "4Wk");
    out.printf("%4s", "3Ms");
    out.printf("%4s", "6Ms");
    out.printf("%4s", "1Yr");
    out.printf("%6s", "Vol");
    out.printf("%2s\n", "Mv");
  void print() {
    out.printf("%-6s", ticker);
    out.printf("%-50s", name);
    out.printf("%-12s", assetClass);
    out.printf("%4.0f", lrs.orElse(0.0d) * 100);
    out.printf("%4.0f", weekly.orElse(0.0d) * 100);
    out.printf("%4.0f", fourWeeks.orElse(0.0d) * 100);
    out.printf("%4.0f", threeMonths.orElse(0.0d) * 100);
    out.printf("%4.0f", sixMonths.orElse(0.0d) * 100);
    out.printf("%4.0f", oneYear.orElse(0.0d) * 100);
    out.printf("%6.0f", stdDev.orElse(0.0d) * 100);
    if (price <= mav200.orElse(-Double.MAX_VALUE))
      out.printf("%2s\n", "X");

class TimeSeries {
  private String ticker;
  private LocalDate _start;
  private Map<LocalDate, Double> _adjDictionary;
  private String _name;
  private String _assetClass;
  private String _assetSubClass;

  public TimeSeries(String ticker, String name, String assetClass, String assetSubClass, List<Event> events) {
    this.ticker = ticker;
    this._name = name;
    this._assetClass = assetClass;
    this._assetSubClass = assetSubClass;
    this._adjDictionary = events.stream().collect(toMap(Event::getDate, Event::getPrice));
    this._start = events.size() - 1 > 0 ? events.get(events.size() - 1).getDate() : LocalDate.now().minusYears(99);

  private static final class FindPriceAndShift {
    public FindPriceAndShift(boolean found, double aPrice, int shift) {
        this.found = found;
        this.price = aPrice;
        this.shift = shift;
    private boolean found;
    private double price;
    private int shift;
  private FindPriceAndShift getPrice(LocalDate when) {
    boolean found = false;
    int shift = 1;
    double aPrice = 0.0d;
    while ((when.equals(_start) || when.isAfter(_start)) && !found) {
      if (found = _adjDictionary.containsKey(when)) {
        aPrice = _adjDictionary.get(when);
      when = when.minusDays(1);
      shift -= 1;
    return new FindPriceAndShift(found, aPrice, shift);
  OptionalDouble getReturn(LocalDate start, LocalDate endDate) {
    FindPriceAndShift foundEnd = getPrice(endDate);
    FindPriceAndShift foundStart = getPrice(start.plusDays(foundEnd.shift));
    if (!foundStart.found || !foundEnd.found)
      return OptionalDouble.empty();
    else {
      return OptionalDouble.of(foundEnd.price / foundStart.price - 1.0d);

  private OptionalDouble lastWeekReturn() {
    return getReturn(LocalDate.now().minusDays(7), LocalDate.now());
  private OptionalDouble last4WeeksReturn() {
    return getReturn(LocalDate.now().minusDays(28), LocalDate.now());
  private OptionalDouble last3MonthsReturn() {
    return getReturn(LocalDate.now().minusMonths(3), LocalDate.now());
  private OptionalDouble last6MonthsReturn() {
    return getReturn(LocalDate.now().minusMonths(6), LocalDate.now());
  private OptionalDouble lastYearReturn() {
    return getReturn(LocalDate.now().minusYears(1), LocalDate.now());
  private Double sum(Collection<Double> d) {
    return d.parallelStream().reduce(0d, Double::sum);
  private Double avg(Collection<Double> d) {
    return sum(d) / d.size();
  private OptionalDouble stdDev() {
    LocalDate now = LocalDate.now();
    LocalDate limit = now.minusYears(3);
    List<Double> rets = new ArrayList<>();
    while (now.compareTo(_start.plusDays(12)) >= 0 && now.compareTo(limit) >= 0) {
      OptionalDouble ret = getReturn(now.minusDays(7), now);
      now = now.minusDays(7);
    Double mean = avg(rets);
    Double variance = avg(rets.parallelStream().map(r -> Math.pow(r - mean, 2)).collect(toList()));
    Double weeklyStdDev = Math.sqrt(variance);
    return OptionalDouble.of(weeklyStdDev * Math.sqrt(40));
  private OptionalDouble MAV200() {
    return OptionalDouble.of( 
      .sorted(comparing((Entry<LocalDate,Double> p) -> p.getKey()).reversed())
      .limit(200).mapToDouble(e -> e.getValue()).average().orElse(0d)
  private double todayPrice() {
    return getPrice(LocalDate.now()).price;
  public Summary getSummary() {
    return new Summary(ticker, _name, _assetClass, _assetSubClass,
      lastWeekReturn(), last4WeeksReturn(), last3MonthsReturn(),
      last6MonthsReturn(), lastYearReturn(), stdDev(), todayPrice(),

public class Program {

  static String createUrl(String ticker, LocalDate start, LocalDate end) {
    return "http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=" + ticker + "&a="
      + (start.getMonthValue() - 1) + "&b=" + start.getDayOfMonth()
      + "&c=" + start.getYear() + "&d=" + (end.getMonthValue() - 1)
      + "&e=" + end.getDayOfMonth() + "&f=" + end.getYear()
      + "&g=d&ignore=.csv";
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    List<String[]> tickers = Files.lines(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("ETFs.csv"))
      .map(line -> line.split(",", 4))
      .filter(v -> !v[2].equals("Leveraged"))
    int len = tickers.size();
    LocalDate start = LocalDate.now().minusYears(2);
    LocalDate end = LocalDate.now();
    CountDownLatch cevent = new CountDownLatch(len);
    Summary[] summaries = new Summary[len]; 
    try (WebClient webClient = new WebClient()) {
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        String[] t = tickers.get(i);
        final int index = i;
        webClient.downloadStringAsync(createUrl(t[0], start, end), result -> {
            summaries[index] = downloadStringCompleted(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], result);
    Stream<Summary> top15perc =
      .filter(s -> s.lrs.isPresent())
      .sorted(comparing((Summary p) -> p.lrs.get()).reversed())
      .limit((int)(len * 0.15));
    Stream<Summary> bottom15perc =
      .filter(s -> s.lrs.isPresent())
      .sorted(comparing((Summary p) -> p.lrs.get()))
      .limit((int)(len * 0.15));
    System.out.println("TOP 15%");
        s -> s.print());
    System.out.println("BOTTOM 15%");      
        s -> s.print());


  public static Summary downloadStringCompleted(String ticker, String name, String asset, String subAsset, 
      DownloadStringAsyncCompletedArgs e
  ) {
      Summary summary;
      if (e.getError() == null) {
          List<Event> adjustedPrices = 
            .map(line -> line.split(",", 7))
            .filter(l -> l.length == 7)
            .map(v -> new Event(LocalDate.parse(v[0], DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE), Double.valueOf(v[6]))).collect(toList());
          TimeSeries timeSeries = new TimeSeries(ticker, name, asset, subAsset, adjustedPrices);
          summary = timeSeries.getSummary();
      } else {
          System.err.printf("[%s ERROR]", ticker);
          final OptionalDouble zero = OptionalDouble.of(0d);
          summary = new Summary(ticker, name, "ERROR", "ERROR", zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, 0d, zero);
      return summary;

Some observations:
  • The code depends on the yahoo to get historical stock prices and sometimes Yahoo is not available for stock prices. Wait five minutes and run the program again. 
  • The Java code is much much faster than the C# code, but it is going to yahoo to get historical stock prices which is going to be the limiting factor.  I don't think the C# should be slower than the Java code but it is and I'm not sure why it is. I'm pretty sure the poor C# performance is to do with the dot net WebClient configuration but I might be wrong.
  • In Java 8, just to show how easy it is, I've used parallelStream() and .parallel() in a couple of places, but these can be removed for the equivalent functionality. I can see no noticeable difference in performance with or without these calls when using an 8 core machine. As I said above I believe that the limiting factor is going to yahoo to get historical stock prices. There is not that much number crunching to do and I suspect the time taken to do it pales into insignificance next to the internet fetch time. Doing the calculations in parallel just isn't worth it. But its good to see how easy it is to parallelize work if you want to. Being able to simply say Collection.parallelStream() and Stream.parallel() is incredible if you find a sensible use case for it.
      • The Java 8 code is a little longer than the C# code. In Java 7, I'm guessing the code would be at least two times longer and very very ugly if written in a similar style. The Java8 code is not as concise as C# or Scala but at least its in the same ball park. Partly this is due to Java POJO boilerplate (e.g. the FindPriceAndShift class and the Event class getter and setters) but thats is no big deal (IMO). The Java code is also more verbose because types must be declared unlike in C# where you can use "var" instead of a type declaration and usually the C# compiler infers what you mean. 
      • Tuples. C# has Tuples, Scala has Tuples but apparently their use is the spawn of satan and civilization will collapse if they are used in Java even to hold temporary results when parsing comma separated values into another class. (Oracle will be removing HashMap from Java9 apparently for similar reasons ;)) In order not to be arrested by the Java thought police I avoided succumbing to this. The C# code uses them, but I've managed to avoid them.
      • Output parameters.  In my scala translation in 2009, my translation to Scala used a return tuple instead of the C# output parameters (which I personally found confusing in the C# algorithm). In the Java 8 version I used a POJO FindPriceAndShift rather than sell my soul to wicked tuple monster.
      • The C# code uses the "double?" type which is a double that can have an empty value and it means you can write LRS = (fourWeeks + threeMonths + sixMonths + oneYear) / 4 and any of fourWeeksthreeMonthssixMonths, and oneYear can be empty without causing a null pointer exception etc.  Java 8 does ship with OptionalDouble. But, strangely, you can't say a.add(b).add(c).divide(d). So I wrote an OptionalDouble class which does do this, so you can say lrs = fourWeeks.add(threeMonths).add(sixMonths).add(oneYear).divide(OptionalDouble.of(4.0d). If you look at the code you can see its almost trivially simple. Writing lrs = fourWeeks.add(threeMonths).add(sixMonths).add(oneYear).divide(OptionalDouble.of(4.0d) is  not very pretty compared to the C# or Scala equivalent but a lot of Java people are used to doing this method chaining with BigDecimal: but with OptionalDouble now it can be null/emptyValue safe. (The same thing can easily be done to create a an OptionalBigDecimal class obviously.) (And this OptionalDouble stuff could easily have been done in Java7 too.)
      • Java does not have a C# style WebClient, so I have taken the open source jetty http client and wrapped it in a simple wrapper to make it look like the C# WebClient. See git hub for the WbClient class.
      • Java lives on open source. If the C# code is slow because the dot net WebClient is doing something stupid, its hard to find out as its closed source. If the Jetty's Java http client is  broken, you can debug the source or switch to apache's http client: the best open source libraries emerge through natural selection. [Update: reaction from Reddit (I love reddit!): Sorry, that is pure bullshit. It is perfectly feasible to debug .Net Framework source code:
        http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc667410.aspx And no, it doesn't have a bug. They've been working on that for generations, and Microsoft puts serious money and has serious people working on stuff, as opposed to a bunch of unknown random hippie weed smokers financed by random coin slot donations. and even if java was faster it doesn't change the fact that it is a useless dinosaur which gets improvements 10 years after the rest of the mainstream languages. All that crappy bloated unmaintainable event-based async code can be converted to a beautiful sequence of async / await in C# 5.0, whereas you will probably not see anything like that in java in the next 20 years due to it's complete lack of evolution and retardedness.]
      • There is some surprising missing functionality from the Stream and or Collections. There is no Zip or takeWhile or dropWhile for sequential streams. I'm guessing Java9, guava and others will fill this gap pretty fast.
        • When I showed the code below to an experienced colleague who has only used Java <= 6 he said "that looks like C++ to me: thats completely unmaintainable". Sigh.
          • Stream<Summary> top15perc =
                      .filter(s -> s.lrs.isPresent())
                      .sorted(comparing((Summary p) -> p.lrs.get()).reversed())
                      .limit((int)(len * 0.15)); 

          Thursday 6 September 2012

          Force maven 3.x dependency resolution to local repository jars - just as a temporary measure.
          Tore hair out for an hour...

          mvn package
          [INFO] Scanning for projects...
          [ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1]
          [ERROR]   The project org.foo.repositories:xyz-customer-inventory-repository-parent: (C:\Users\bazbaz\workspaces\abc\xyz-customer-inventory
          -repository-parent\pom.xml) has 1 error
          [ERROR]     Non-resolvable parent POM: Failure to find org.foo.common:foo-common-parent:pom:2.0.7 in http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 was cached in the l
          ocal repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced and 'parent.relativePath' points at w
          rong local POM @ line 2, column 10 -> [Help 2]

          See: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/Maven+3.x+Compatibility+Notes#Maven3.xCompatibilityNotes-ResolutionfromLocalRepository

          Just delete all the _maven.repositories files from your local repository and the problems goes away!

          Sunday 20 May 2012

          Using Spring Stored Procedure Support to call Oracle anonymous PL/SQL blocks

          The code for what follows can be found on github: git://github.com/azzoti/CallAnonymousPLSQLUsingSpring.git

          Its an eclipse maven project and is easy to run the Main class in Eclipse but it can be run as a vanilla maven project.   (mvn test).

          1) You need to manually download the oracle jdbc driver jar and put it in the lib folder.
          2) You need to have an oracle instance running localhost:1521:XE with user "system" password "manager" (or change the code)

          With a small amount of fiddling Spring's StoredProcedure class can be used to call an anonymous PL/SQL block. The fiddling is class OraclePLSQLBlock which extends Spring's  StoredProcedure class and overrides it to stop spring messing the sql up:

          There is not much to it:

          public class OraclePLSQLBlock extends StoredProcedure {
           public OraclePLSQLBlock(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, String plsql) {
            super(jdbcTemplate, plsql);
           public OraclePLSQLBlock(DataSource datasource, String plsql) {
            super(datasource, plsql);
           public String getCallString() {
            // we control the creation of the sql string that is actually sent to the database
            // (by default spring will construct a string {call xxx} where xxx is the sql that 
            // we set in the contructor) 
            return getSql();
           public boolean isSqlReadyForUse() {
            // stop spring from adding ? parameter placeholders to the sql
            return true;

          The simplest example of using OraclePLSQLBlock to call a PL/SQL block is in class ExampleSpringStoredProcedureCallingPLSQLBlockWithStringReturn which has an IN string parameter and and OUT string parameter.

          public class ExampleSpringStoredProcedureCallingPLSQLBlockWithStringReturn extends OraclePLSQLBlock {
           private static final String PLSQL = "" +
           " declare " +  
           "      p_id varchar2(20) := null; " +
           " begin " +
           "    p_id := :inputParameter; " +
           "    ? := 'input parameter was = ' || p_id;" +
           " end;";
           public ExampleSpringStoredProcedureCallingPLSQLBlockWithStringReturn(DataSource datasource) {
            super(datasource, PLSQL);
                  declareParameter(new SqlParameter("inputParameter", Types.VARCHAR));
                  declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("outputParameter", Types.VARCHAR));
           public Map< String, Object > executePLSQLBlock(String id) {
            return this.execute(id);

          There are other examples, which get progressively more complex including: ExampleSpringStoredProcedureCallingComplexPLSQLBlockWithCursorReturn which passes in an Array of Students and returns a cursor query which maps results to a list of Person.